
University of Guelph uses 1080 quantum to test effectiveness of topical creatine supplement

University of Guelph uses 1080 quantum to test ...

Creatine loading protocols have been remarkably stable amidst other advancements in sports performance nutrition. The University of Guelph’s Human Performance…

University of Guelph uses 1080 quantum to test ...

Creatine loading protocols have been remarkably stable amidst other advancements in sports performance nutrition. The University of Guelph’s Human Performance…

Combat sports training with 1080 sprint: orthodox and southpaw counter-movement and retreats

Combat sports training with 1080 sprint: orthod...

DeRick O’Connell is fighting against an outdated stereotype of boxing conditioning. The image of endless jump rope cycles, early morning…

Combat sports training with 1080 sprint: orthod...

DeRick O’Connell is fighting against an outdated stereotype of boxing conditioning. The image of endless jump rope cycles, early morning…

Measuring lateral movement in ice hockey goalies with 1080 sprint at university of Guelph

Measuring lateral movement in ice hockey goalie...

Researchers at the University of Guelph are studying the effect that three different hydration states have on ice hockey goalies’ lateral…

Measuring lateral movement in ice hockey goalie...

Researchers at the University of Guelph are studying the effect that three different hydration states have on ice hockey goalies’ lateral…

Rig academy drives sweden’s ambitions for american football

Rig academy drives sweden’s ambitions for ameri...

As the National Football League looks to expand their schedule and fan base in Europe, the RIG Academy in Uppsala,…

Rig academy drives sweden’s ambitions for ameri...

As the National Football League looks to expand their schedule and fan base in Europe, the RIG Academy in Uppsala,…

1080 Sprint case study: sprinting against maximum resistance improves horizontal power production

1080 Sprint case study: sprinting against maxim...

Cameron Josse recently unveiled the results of his case study on heavy resisted sprint training on National Football League players.…

1080 Sprint case study: sprinting against maxim...

Cameron Josse recently unveiled the results of his case study on heavy resisted sprint training on National Football League players.…

1080 sprint in adapted athletics: strength and conditioning research at university of Alabama

1080 sprint in adapted athletics: strength and ...

The University of Alabama is one of the world’s top institutions for adapted athletics. The wheelchair basketball teams hold six national…

1080 sprint in adapted athletics: strength and ...

The University of Alabama is one of the world’s top institutions for adapted athletics. The wheelchair basketball teams hold six national…