The Science and Best Practice of Training Elite Sprinters

The Science and Best Practice of Training Elite Sprinters

Humans are fascinated with sprinting speed and the bio-engineering of the human body that allows it to top out at 27.8 miles per hour (44.7 km per hour).

With the excitement of the 2024 Paris Olympics, we cannot wait for the 100-meter race to take center stage. Who will be the fastest man and woman on the planet? Will they break the world record? We will be captivated for about 10-seconds ….. and then put our hands on our head and say …. “Wow”!

In this blog, we will summarize some key points from the article The Training and Development of Elite Sprint Performance: an Integration of Scientific and Best Practice Literature by Haugen and colleagues published in the Journal of Sports Medicine. In this paper, the authors recognize the non-academic training guides widely used by practitioners (best practice) but also combine these results-proven practices with data sources from available research evidence to recommend state-of-the-art sprint training methods. The following are a few key points made in the article for training speed in elite sprinters.

Speed is Trainable

  • Although sprint performance is heavily dependent upon genetic traits, the key underlying determinants of power, technique, and sprint-specific endurance are trainable.

Considerations for Periodization

  • Although several leading sprint coaches are skeptical of the classic periodization model, many apply a form of traditional periodization with fewer fluctuations in intensity and volume than Matveyev’s original model.
  • There should be a gradual familiarization to sprinting, both in terms of intensity, duration and repetitions.
  • Avoid excessive and rapid increases in training loads as it is likely responsible for a large proportion of soft-tissue injuries. The training phase immediately following the off-season and the transition phase between the preparation period and competitive season are particularly vulnerable periods for injury. Two-thirds (2/3) of hamstring injuries in competitive sprinters occurred in the transition period between specific preparation and competition season. This period is ideally characterized by large reductions in training volume, and increases in training intensity and sprinting speed.
  • Intensive sprinting sessions require at least 48 hours of recovery given its demand on the central nervous system.
  • Training should be classified into “heavy” and “easy” weeks within the preparation periods. Leading practitioners typically use a 2:1 or 3:1 periodization, that is, 2 or 3 weeks with relatively high training load are followed by an easier training week for recovery purposes.
  • Consider using the polarized training concept. More specifically, sprinting intensity should be either ≥ 95% of maximal velocity to enhance performance or or < 70% of maximal velocity facilitate recovery.
  • Consider the 3-day micro-cycle training blocks

Mon: short accelerations; Wed: maximal velocity sprinting; Fri: sprint-specific endurance

Individualization of the Training Prescription

  • Measure and acknowledge the variation in mechanics and kinetics (force-power); the same 30-m time can produce very different Force-Velocity Profiles
  • Athletes with velocity deficits should be prescribed more maximal velocity sprinting & athletes with horizontal force deficits should prioritize more horizontal strength work

Specificity: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

  • The main stimulus is the number of sprinting meters at high intensity.
  • However, assisted or resisted sprinting are also often utilized.
  • In addition, other “less specific” training forms such as strength, power, and plyometric training are commonly performed to target the underlying components of sprint performance. Although these training forms do not duplicate the holistic sprint running movement, they provide targeted stimuli of important components that limit sprint performance.

General Guidelines for Various Training Methods to Improve Speed


  • 10- to 50-meter accelerations
  • Young and/or relatively untrained athlete 20 m with 2-min recovery
  • Elite sprinter 40 meters with 7-min recovery
  • Total session volume = 100-300 meters

Maximal velocity (Vmax)

  • Flying sprints using a rolling build-up (20 yards) followed by 10-yard Vmax
  • How fast is fast enough? What is the lowest effective sprinting intensity? While most practitioners argue that 92–95% intensity (Vmax) is required, the lowest effective sprinting intensity for stimulating adaptation is so far not established by research.
  • Total session volume = 50-150 meters

Resisted Sprinting

  • Resisted sprints are typically categorized into light (< 10% velocity decrement), moderate (10–15%), heavy (15–30%), and very heavy (> 30%) loads
  • Resisted sprint training may be a more effective tool to improve horizontal force and power production during sprinting compared with, e.g., traditional strength and power training performed in the gym

Assisted Sprinting

  • Due to the lack of studies investigating assisted sprinting and differences in methodology, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the research literature.

Sprint-specific Endurance

  • Aim to improve the ability to maintain sprint velocity for as long as possible. Such training is typified by runs lasting 7–15 seconds at 95–100% intensity (80-150 meters), with full recovery used between repetitions and sets.
  • Rule of thumb: 1–2-minutes recovery for every second of max sprinting
  • Total session volume = 600-2000 meters

Speed Endurance

  • Repeated sprints over 60–80 meters, interspersed with approximately 2- and 8-minutes of recovery between sprints and series.
  • Total session volume = 600-2000 meters

Tempo Runs

  • 100–300 meters @ 60–70% of Vmax with brief recoveries used between days of high-intensive training to loosen up stiff muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Total volume per training session is typically ~ 2000 meters during the preparation period and ~ 1000 meters during the competition period.

Strength & Power Training

  • Strength and power training is a crucial part of the overall training strategy among leading sprint practitioners and typically performed 2–3 times per week during the preparation period
  • Typically structured as consecutive 4–6 week cycles (emphasis is first put on hypertrophy, then maximal strength, and finally explosive strength/power/plyometric training).
  • Sequencing of sessions differs among coaches, but the majority schedule strength training the day after sprint-specific training to avoid sore muscles when sprinting.
  • Exercise selection varies from general (e.g., squat, snatch, clean & jerk) to more “sprint specific” (e.g., split squats, single-leg deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, and one-legged squats).
  • Heavy strength training may induce negative short-term effects on sprint performance; thus, periods of heavy strength training are often combined with high volumes of sub-maximal intensity sprint training.
  • Ballistic exercises with loading up to ~ 60% 1RM appear to be a highly potent loading stimulus for improving maximal power; however, heavier loading might be necessary to increase the force component of the power equation.
  • Vertically oriented, heavy strength training of lower limbs does not translate to higher horizontal force production during acceleration phase, but the probability of positive effects increases with strength plus sprint training combined.


  • Sprinters are encouraged to use different types of high-intensive bounding, jumping, and skipping exercises to ensure that power production is exerted in the horizontal plane
  • Focus on leg stiffness (e.g., short ground contact time) during plyometric exercises.
  • Highest volumes are accomplished during the preparation phase, some plyometric training is performed during the competition season

A Final Note

Although the review paper was anchored in athletics and competitive 100-m sprinting, the authors mention that most of the content is also relevant for other sports where linear sprints frequently occur.

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