This release contains an improved database cleanup function to help ensure the local database does not grow too large. When this file gets larger, the overall performance of the software goes down, with slow sync and intermittent lockups as a result.
Note: No data is being permanently lost by this. Any data deleted is still available in the 1080 servers and can be downloaded at any time there is internet connectivity. Data that has not yet been uploaded will not be touched.
1. At startup, all training data for inactive clients (a client that has not been accessed for 30 days or more) will be removed from the database.
2. An on-demand database optimizer is available from the Sync Status -> Troubleshooting window. This has a more aggressive cleanup routine that will remove training data also from clients used every day.
3. At login, if the software detects that the local database is too large, a warning is shown with a button to open the database optimizer.